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All Residents are warmly invited to attend this year’s Annual Parish Meeting (APM) at 7pm in the Large Parish Hall. Sandy Hopkins, Joint Chief Executive

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We need to decide what we want as a community. Do we need a Neighbourhood Plan? If so, would you be prepared to help in

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Precept for 2017/18 Financial Year Posted February 7, 2017 | Tagged: ,

At its Meeting on 6 February, the Council took the decision to increase its precept by £30,000 for the next financial year starting on 1st

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EHDC Community Forum Posted January 27, 2017 | Tagged:

The next EHDC Community Forum is on Tues 31 January 2017 at St John’s Church Centre, Redhill Road, Rowlands Castle PO6 6DF from 6.30pm. The

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Keyline Signage Posted October 31, 2016 | Tagged:

New and more visible signage to Keyline and CCF will hopefully stop HGVs ‘over-shooting’ the driveway and ending up in the village centre. Thanks to

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Improvements to Bridleway 24 Posted October 31, 2016 | Tagged: ,

Developers Contributions from the Oaklands I development at the top of Redhill Road have enabled improvement works to the Keyline driveway end of the bridleway.

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Vacancies for 2 Parish Councillors Posted September 2, 2016 | Tagged: ,

The main roles of the Council are, proactively, to: Care for the interests of the Parish and manage its assets Identify and implement needs and

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Notice of Conclusion of Audit for RCPC Posted July 13, 2015 | Tagged:

NOTICE is hereby given that the Audit for the year ended 31 March 2015 was completed on 30 June 2015, and the accounts are now

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