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At its Meeting on 3 September 2018, the Parish Council considered this topic and its response to the consultations can be viewed here: RCPC’s Response

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As required, Rowlands Castle Parish Council (RCPC) has launched a Consultation on its proposals for Manor Lodge Road and Finchdean Road, as approved under Hampshire

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Hampshire County Council (HCC) is currently running a Consultation on its proposals for the following: To make cost savings for passenger transport services and the

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The Rowlands Castle Association (RCA) and Rowlands Castle Parish Council (RCPC) have been working closely together to address crowd safety concerns over the annual Fireworks

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The public consultation on EHDC’s parking restriction proposals for Redhill Rd, Links Lane and Uplands Rd in Rowlands Castle is now open. Amongst the proposals

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The Parish Council has submitted its Annual Governance & Accountability Return (AGAR) for year ending 31 March 2018 to its external auditor, PKF Littlejohn LLP.

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There are 2 vacancies on the Parish Council caused by the resignations of Cllrs David Symonds and Robert Raley. A by-election to fill these vacancies

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At its Meeting on 5 February 2018, Rowlands Castle Parish Council took the decision to increase its precept by a moderate 4.9% for the next

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Fed up with seeing litter? Why not join your fellow residents in the Great British Spring Clean 2018 over the weekend of 2/3/4 March. You

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After Sunday’s disruption on/around Whichers Gate Road (see related Grapevine message of 18 February 2018), Bellway’s Site Manager has offered his sincere apologies. Apparently, he

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