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Love Trees? Become a Tree Warden Posted January 16, 2020

Tree-lovers are being called to a meeting in January as part of a bid to relaunch a Tree Warden Scheme in East Hampshire. East Hampshire

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There is a vacancy on the Parish Council caused by the resignation of Cllr Elizabeth Longman. A by-election to fill this vacancy will be held

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Rowlands Castle Parish Council hereby gives notice of its intention to award a 4-year contract, subject to satisfactory performance in the first year, to provide

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As you may already be aware, Portsmouth Water is planning to create a new reservoir on its site north of Staunton Country Park to secure

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Emsworth Common Road will be closed from 23 September 2019 for c 6 weeks to carry out culvert and other essential drainage works. The closure

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There is a very important consultation taking place over the next 6 weeks until 15 October 2019. For the next stage of its Local Plan,

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The Parish Council has approved its Annual Governance & Accountability Return (AGAR) for year ending 31 March 2019 for submission to its external auditor, PKF

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Hampshire County Council (HCC) has launched a Consultation to understand the views of residents and stakeholders across Hampshire on options to help deliver a balanced

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RCPC is concerned that the highways and drainage systems of many of the new developments in the Parish are not, and probably won’t be, adopted

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Local residents will be pleased to hear that the flag pole on The Green has been repaired and a bright and shiny new finial has

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