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We are pleased to announce the re-opening of the Play Area and other equipment at the Recreation Ground, as well as the publicly-accessible WCs, after

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During lockdown, the Parish Council has received comments about various activities on and around The Green.  In light of the easing of some lockdown measures

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The Parish Council has approved its Annual Governance & Accountability Return (AGAR) for year ending 31 March 2020 for submission to its external auditor, PKF

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As you may already be aware, Portsmouth Water is planning to create a new reservoir in Hampshire to secure reliable drinking water for years to

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As required, Rowlands Castle Parish Council (RCPC) has launched a Consultation on its proposals for Finchdean, Woodberry Lane, Durrants Road and Manor Lodge Road, as

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Covid 19/Coronavirus Update Posted March 18, 2020

During the current pandemic, the Parish Office has been working closely with others to help arrange support for the vulnerable and/or older members of the

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There is a vacancy on the Parish Council caused by the resignation of Cllr Peter Cross. A by-election to fill this vacancy will be held

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The many organisations, committees, clubs and societies of Rowlands Castle warmly invite residents to a ‘Meet and Greet’ Coffee Morning. The event is open to

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The Take the Lead campaign promotes responsible dog ownership in the South Downs National Park. The issues of dog mess and livestock-worrying are a common

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Beware of Courier Fraud Posted January 21, 2020

Between the 7th and 8th of January 2020 two elderly residents of Buriton and East Meon have been targeted by fraudsters purporting to be from

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