Standing Orders & Policies

Standing Orders (SOs) are the Council’s guidelines for its smooth operation, and include rules of procedure laid down in legislation and additional regulations chosen by Council. The SOs are reviewed at least annually to ensure they reflect good practice and any new legal requirements which have arisen. In addition, Council may adopt policies for specific areas of its work or duties when necessary.

For Council’s most recently adopted SOs, see:
Standing Orders, adopted at Annual Mtg of Council on 13 May 2024

For Council’s adopted Financial Regulations (FRs), see:
Financial Regulations, adopted at Annual Mtg of Council on 13 May 2024

For Council’s Staffing & Remuneration Committee’s Terms of Reference, see:
Staffing & Remuneration Committee Terms of Reference, adopted 13 May 2019

For Other Council policies, see:


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