All posts in: "Uncategorised"

  1. Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited Annual Governance & Accountability Return

    The Parish Council has submitted its Annual Governance & Accountability Return (AGAR) for year ending 31 March 2018 to its external auditor, PKF Littlejohn LLP.…

  2. Casual Vacancies for Parish Councillors

    There are 2 vacancies on the Parish Council caused by the resignations of Cllrs David Symonds and Robert Raley. A by-election to fill these vacancies…

  3. Precept for 2018/19 Financial Year

    At its Meeting on 5 February 2018, Rowlands Castle Parish Council took the decision to increase its precept by a moderate 4.9% for the next…

  4. Great British Spring Clean 2018 – 2nd to 4th March

    Fed up with seeing litter? Why not join your fellow residents in the Great British Spring Clean 2018 over the weekend of 2/3/4 March. You…

  5. ‘Oaklands II’ – Improved Communications re Utility works

    After Sunday’s disruption on/around Whichers Gate Road (see related Grapevine message of 18 February 2018), Bellway’s Site Manager has offered his sincere apologies. Apparently, he…

  6. Result of the East Hants District Boundary Review

    After its original consultation at the end of 2017, and further one at the beginning of 2018, the Local Government Boundary Commission for England (LGBCE)…

  7. ‘Oaklands II’ – RCPC attends regular Liaison Mtgs with Bellway

    As you may have read in the minutes of our Council mtgs, we’ve attended the first 2 of the bi-monthly Liaison Mtgs with Bellway and…

  8. RCPC’s Response to EHDC Consultation on Parking

    EHDC has been running consultations on various supplementary planning documents, and RCPC has submitted a response on the one concerning Draft Vehicle Parking Standards. To…

  9. Get East Hants Working Apprenticeship Fair on 24 January 2018

    Why not come along to EHDC’s exciting new Apprenticeship Fair on Wednesday 24th January from 4.30pm onwards at Horndean Technology College. For parents, guardians and…

  10. East Hampshire Sports Awards 2020

    Nominations are now open for the East Hampshire Sports Awards 2020!  The event recognises sports people at every level and the coaches and volunteers who…

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