As you may know, District, Town and Parish elections will take place in East Hampshire District on Thursday 2nd May 2019. This is a busy time for EHDC’s Elections Team, which has provided some helpful information for current/prospective parish councillors.

Generally, the nomination process only happens once every 4 years. Just simply completing the nomination form can be daunting, and there have been some slight changes to the form this year. Stopping any potential issues now will make handing in any nomination forms a much smoother process.

EHDC’s Team will be offering an appointment system from 22nd March to the deadline of 4pm on 3rd April to check and process nomination forms – see below for booking information. strong>NB: Nomination forms must be hand delivered to EHDC’s Main Reception and not posted.

Here are some documents and useful links:
Parish Elections 2019 Nomination Form and Notes in MS Word format
Guidance on Who can Stand for Elections
Town Parish Elections Timetable for 2 May 2019
Link to the Electoral Commission
Link to EHDC’s Elections webpage

Please call 01730 234093 to book an appointment to check and process nomination forms and do not hesitate to contact EHDC’s Elections Team with any other election-related queries.

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